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New Theme

Hello everyone.

I just wanted to let everyone know that i’ve changed the theme again because I was bored of the old one. I hope you guys like the new design!

Web Design

Hello everyone!!
I think it’s about time I gave you guys a new post, and so it will be about my company Richard Hedges Online.
I’ll soon be changing the name to Richard Hedges Designs, as that will offer a lot more services!

On my website (click the link above) you can view my current portfolio, which unfortunately i’m still building, so there’s only 1 or 2 projects on there at the moment.

If you are looking for a web designer, please contact me for a quote, or more information on my services!

Thanks, Richard!

The updates!

It’s been a while since i’ve posted on this blog eh?

So what’s new?!

Well, i’ve got an all new portfolio website:
I’ve just gotta’ finish coding the client control panel. And then i’ll add to that in the near future too, to make it bigger and better.

RadioCMS hasn’t got very far, I worked on it a few times since, but not done much to it, as I get bored of doing the same thing day in and day out.

I’ve recently started developing my own operating system, and that’s coming along nicely, but no screenies yet, as that gives away the surprise. It will be available for free download, but not for a while yet.

I’ll keep you posted!

PopPage Social Networking Website

Hey guys and girls!

I recently finished a social networking website the other day, and I just need to get it advertised now 😉 I really should have advertised it whilst it was in development… But anyway, it’s done now and I think I should write a post about it…

Ok so firstly, what is a social networking website?
Well, you heard of those big popular sites like Facebook, MySpace, and Bebo? (Some more are Tagged, Netlog etc..) It’s one of those!
I was actually told by my cousin, (I also now believe this) that Facebook had already won the social networking war.. They are just so far ahead!

Despite all this, I have created my own and hope to get it popular, if not I will try and think of something new, and win any kind of war it could have once finished the development, but to save the war from happening it just needs to be something original..

Anyway, enough with me blabbering on!

If you want to check it out, head on over to the temporary domain at! And don’t forget to invite friends 🙂


Thanks, Gomon!

I’m looking for some clients that play online gaming, or are in/own a clan who are in need of a website!

If this is you, please contact me… I have a lot of skill in website development and design, especially when it comes to gaming….

If you have any enquiries or questions, please also just contact me..

Thanks, Gomon!